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November 24, 2022 4 min read

The first finance and sponsorship marketplace created by racers exclusively for racers is called OpenFender. This platform is crowd- and fan-funded and is aware of the requirements and difficulties faced by racers across all disciplines. Whether you race on two, three, four wheels, tracks, skis, or an internet connection; whether you're just getting started in karting or an experienced racer searching for the next level; OpenFender is your source for performance funding.

Motorsports fans are aware that winning requires more than just a helmet, talent, and willpower; moving through a season requires a ton of support and a ton of tools and components. By uniting racers, spectators, and backers, OpenFender creates a team that provides everyone the best chance to see the checkered flag. We think that racing shouldn't just be for the rich and fortunate. We are aware that there are excellent racers out there who are just waiting for their chance, and that there are supporters who understand that finding the greatest competitors, despite their financial situation, improves the sport for everyone. Your success toolkit now includes OpenFender performance funding, which enables supporters and sponsors to direct money to areas where it is most needed while enabling fans to participate rather than just watch. Because we all benefit from increased participation in races.

About Mason Filippi

Mason Filippi knows racing.

Mason Filippi has been walking almost as long as he has been running on fuel. At the age of three and a half, he was riding his first motorcycle, and even before he got his driver's license, he was in control of a race vehicle. While the wisdom of handing a nearly-toddler a throttle and a motor can be questioned, one thing is certain: Mason is familiar with racing. He began in karting, progressed to Spec Miata, and is currently riding shotgun with Bryan Herta Autosport and Hyundai. He coaches others when he is not competing. And he looks for ways to assist racers in getting behind the wheel or behind bars when he isn't competing or coaching. He made OpenFender with that goal in mind.

“OpenFender is the resource I wish I had while I was starting my racing career,” says Mason on the founding of his company. “Racing can get expensive and even when I had the fans and sponsors to support me, getting that money and applying it to the sport was tough. I couldn’t just attach a tip jar to the hood of my car. And racers regularly have funding problems with cash transfer apps.” Mason created OpenFender to streamline the process in a way that is easy to connect fans and sponsors to racers and the motorsports market. It also allows racers to track and apply that funding. “How terrible would it be if the next Lewis Hamilton or Ricky Carmichael or Earnhardt is out there but can’t even get into the pit lane because they’re missing the few bucks that a fan would be happy to give?” asks Mason. “I want to connect racers, fans and sponsors so the sport grows and everybody wins.” — Mason Filippi


1. Create your OpenFender account and complete your profile

It’s easy - tell us about yourself and upload a photo and you’ll be ready to start sharing your profile and personal QR code.

2. Share your Boost and Fundraising campaigns

Use your social media, hero cards, and your phone to share your QR code and profile with your fans and supporters so they can fund your racing and join your team.

3. Get Funded and Go Racing!

Your fans and supporters can boost or fund you with a little or a lot, but it all adds up! As soon as your account is funded, we’ll put the money in your hands so you can get on the track.




Making the Most of your OpenFender Profile


  • Complete your OpenFender Profile with detail and photos to connect with fans, supporters and racing enthusiasts
  • Flash your personal QR Code to people you meet at the track and racing events
  • Tell your friends and supporters about your OpenFender profile and how they can support you there


  • Share your QR Code on your Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and other Social Media, encouraging your fans, friends, supporters and sponsors to fund you
  • Update your profile regularly with new photos, upcoming races and past results. Make your OpenFender profile your personal racing homepage.
  • Create new campaigns with specific fundraising / sponsorship goals


  • Thank your supporters and let them know how their funding impacted your racing
  • Repost and update your OpenFender QR Code and Fundraising goals and accomplishments across your social media
  • Print your QR Code on your Hero Cards and hand the out at races, events and whenever you interact with potential supporters

Next Level:

  • Print your OpenFender QR Code on stickers, hats and t-shirts [coming soon!] and put those stickers EVERYWHERE - on your car, bike, racing machine, helmet, toolbox, laptop, phone, etc.
  • Let big donors put their logo on your ride
  • When you hit that podium shout it out! Let new fans and sponsors know how to continue being part of your winning team.


This article is a summary of the OpenFender about section, their website can be found here. For The Win Motorsportis not associated with Open Fender in any form. 

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